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Special ­attachment­ devices for loaders

We have the right tool for every challenge. Contact us if your problem solution is not yet included.

  • Big bag bucket, light material bucket with level compensation
  • Container, log grapple
  • Material handling arm

Big-Bag Schaufel
Big-Bag Schaufel
Leichtgutschaufel mit Niveauausgleich
Leichtgutschaufel mit Niveauausgleich
Holzgreifer 0,7m² Lader 35KN
Holzgreifer 0,7m² Lader 35KN

Products and versions

Suitable for all common quick coupler systems.

Big bag bucket

Loader 5.5-12 t

No more manual filling – compact and mobile, fill your big bags directly with your implement. Unbeatably robust thanks to Hardox® 450. The filling bucket for big bags is a unique solution for fast and flexible filling, anywhere and at any time!

  • Special shovel for filling big bags
  • Incl. screw-on attachment plate for common quick coupler systems
  • Funnel shape for filling big bags as quickly as possible
  • Hydraulically operated flap
  • Bucket body made from HARDOX® 450

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Light material bucket with level compensation

Loader 2.5-18 t

In many winter sports resorts, snow has to be removed from the town centres. This bucket can be tilted sideways to compensate for the difference between the pavement and the road, allowing it to adapt to different levels when loading.


Loader 9-33 t

Log grapple

Loader 5.5-18 t

Robust grapples with various cross-sections and special widths are available for timber applications as well as for special applications such as handling pipes. The grapples can also be designed with an ejector.

Enquire now
Material handling arm

Loader 5.5-33 t

If the wheel loader is to be used for lifting work and the reach is too short, material handling arms with and without extension provide a remedy.

It goes without saying that our material handling arms are CE-marked, just like the rest of our range.

Get in touch now

+43 3175 7110
