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Oily fingers every time you change your appliance? That was yesterday. Coupfix allows you to change hydraulic attachments quickly and safely while protecting the hydraulic couplings from contamination.

  • Excavators 2-50 tonnes
  • Flow rate up to 600 l/min
  • Pressure up to 420 bar
Schnellwechsler snapit! S-Standard coupfix FPLCF
Schnellwechsler snapit! S-Standard coupfix FPLCF
Schnellwechsler multiconnect coupfix FPLCF
Schnellwechsler multiconnect coupfix FPLCF


Coupfix® ensures even more efficiency on your construction site and not only brings more speed, but also the certainty that the optimum attachment can be connected quickly for every application. This allows you to supply attachments with hydraulics, electrical connections, e.g. for GPS, or simply connect air and water hoses. Existing quick couplers or hydraulic attachments can also be easily converted – protecting your investment.

Coupfix® impresses with high flow rates and a unique protective cover for quick couplers and attachments.

Coupfix® is available in 4 sizes and always offers the option of coupling 5 hydraulic circuits as well as two electric plugs with 6 poles each.

Safety and security
in use

You don’t have to leave the machine in difficult terrain and adverse weather conditions. No need to handle oily and stiff hoses.

Efficiency through
optimised use of tools

Changing tools quickly, even for just a few minutes, increases performance and avoids unnecessary damage to the appliance.

on the market

Thanks to higher performance and changeover in seconds.

Economic efficiency

Coupfix can be retrofitted at any time without interfering with the machine control system. It is not necessary to modify your existing system.

Cost reduction
through investment in Coupfix

Thanks to massive time savings and reduced costs for hoses and fittings, an investment in Coupfix pays for itself with just a few changes a day.

Get in touch now

+43 3175 7110
