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Mechanical shrouds

Optimum protection thanks to mechanically fastened segments.

  • Lip shrouds
  • Side shrouds
ProTect C-REX Mechanical Lip Shroud
ProTect C-REX Mechanical Lip Shroud
ProTect C-REX Mechanical Side Shroud
ProTect C-REX Mechanical Side Shroud


Lip Shrouds System C-REX

Optimum protection of the cutting edge between the teeth in the event of high wear. The mechanical fastening ensures short downtimes when changing. No additional stress on the cutting edge due to unnecessary heat input.

Lip Shrouds System ProClaws

Optimum protection of the cutting edge between the teeth in the event of high wear. The mechanical fastening ensures short downtimes when changing. No additional stress on the cutting edge due to unnecessary heat input.

Side Shrouds System C-REX

Protect the corner and side cutting edges. Secured with Pin and ring, therefore easy to change. The ring is integrated in the side shroud.

Side Shrouds System ProClaws

Protect the corner and side cutting edges. Secured with Pin and ring, therefore easy to change.

CAT side shrouds system

Protect the corner and side cutting edges. Secured with Pin and ring, therefore easy to change.

Get in touch now

+43 3175 7110
