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Discover the revolution in demolition and sustainable material recycling with Winkelbauer – your expert for high-quality equipment for demolition work and efficient waste processing!

To the products

Full programme

We emphasise quality, reliability and sustainability in our partnerships. With our partners, VTN, Promove and UAM, we have expanded our product range in the field of recycling and demolition equipment for construction machinery. This enables us to offer our customers a more comprehensive range of work tools for construction machinery in the areas of recycling, demolition, sorting, handling and compaction from a single source. This gives you the flexibility you need to adapt to every challenge in the field and operate efficiently.

Areas of application

Equipment from Winkelbauer and our renowned partners is designed for the toughest challenges. We offer solutions for the following areas of application:

Renowned partners


VTN is an established italian family business that has been producing practical solutions for the most difficult challenges in the fields of demolition, forestry, dandling and recycling since 1973. Winkelbauer is the general importer in Austria and thus enables rapid availability of the italian merchandise.

Partner overview


Promove is the leading manufacturer of demolition equipment. The range includes hydraulic breakers, pulverisers and sorting grabs. Winkelbauer is an official trading partner in Austria and has an extensive range in stock locally.

Sustainable solutions. Hardest steel.

Sustainable solutions. Hardest steel.

Product range

Let's work together to find the most sustainable solution for your Field of application.

Your WI sales team


+43 3175 7110


